
Release Notes / ChangeLog

See also: Previous releases

2022-03-12  6.19-beta


* NEW: Infinite width/height option


* NEW: Added "Color" column (see View → Visible Columns)

* NEW: "Pinned" tasks

* Task Properties window: It is now also possible to change tags, duration and repeat rule


* NEW: "Pinned" tasks and items

* Fixed icon chooser in Tags properties
* Fixed: Update tag icon after properties change

Image viewer:

* NEW: Added View → Transparent Background option

User Interface:

* Metal Look and Feel: Improve menu check boxes/radio buttons
* Font chooser: Improved the name and size list
* Character chooser: Improve tool tips and info pane
* A more consistent button spacing in dialogs


* CHANGED: Require OpenJDK 18 to compile and run;
  OpenJDK 18.0 Release Candidate (build 36) included in Makagiga packages
* Word count: Added "No Target" button
* Fixed empty list in "Get More Plugins" window
* Smaller binary package (faster download)
* Logger: Print date/time
* Windows launcher: Do not search for system-wide installed "javaw.exe"
* Improve readability of check/radio menu items with icons
* Minor bugfixes
* Minor UI tweaks


* Build: Require Ant 1.10+
* javadoc: Use @snippet tag to display API examples
* javadoc: Remove external syntax highlighter
* Minor code cleanup