
Release Notes / ChangeLog

See also: Previous releases

2020-06-20  6.11-beta  Codename: Bev Bighead

* CHANGED: Require OpenJDK 14 to compile and run
  (OpenJDK 14.0.1 included in Makagiga packages)
  Detailed OpenJDK changes:

* Tags main menu: Show "Settings" action for consistency with the "Tags" context menu
* Color chooser: Hold Shift key for faster mouse cursor move in screen color picker
* Feeds: Improved error messages UI
* Tree: A more strict maximum name length checking for compatibility with various file systems


* NEW: Customizable Task date format
  Custom date format

* CHANGED: "First Day of the Week" option moved to "General" settings
* Improved "Time To:" display in task list sidebar
* Updated task notification popup UI

Image Editor:

* NEW: Added "[" and "]" keyboard shortcuts to change brush size
* Allow zoom out below 100%
* Better zoom in scale values
* FIXED: Correctly show/expand panels on tool change
* FIXED: Do not auto expand Color pane on brush size change
* Workaround for glitchy squared brush lines

Plugin SDK:

* Removed "ant pack" target (use "ant sign" instead)
* Replaced deprecated Nashorn JavaScript


* Use the new "switch" syntax
* Minor code cleanup
* Fixed minor javadoc/SpotBugs warnings
* Show error if no required OpenJDK version