
Release Notes / ChangeLog

See also: Previous releases

2018-03-15  5.99 Beta (6.x)  Codename: Lorem Ipsum

Read before upgrade:

* REMOVED: Windows XP/Vista support; the application will probably fail to launch on such OS
* REMOVED: 32-bit support:
  - "makagiga-linux-i586" binary package is no longer provided (only 64-bit "makagiga-linux-x64")
  - Installer for Windows will abort the installation on 32-bit system
  - Installer for Windows will install in "C:\Program Files\Makagiga" by default
    (you may want to uninstall the older version from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Makagiga" folder)
  - Makagiga .exe launchers are now 64-bit
* REMOVED: Mac OS X and Solaris support
  (it may still work OK but the overall quality may be lower than in versions for Linux/Windows)
* CHANGED: Plugins designed for Makagiga older than 5.99 Beta are disabled (marked as incompatible).
  The plugins will be updated soon (click menu -> Tools -> Plugins to check for updates).
* CHANGED: Many internal APIs were rewritten or removed which may break your JavaScript toolbar actions.
  See PORTING.txt for a brief list of API changes.
* CHANGED: Requires Java 9 or newer (included in binary packages)

Known Issues:

* BUG: After RSS Feeds refresh some old/read articles may re-appear as "New"
* BUG: Some malformed RSS Feeds may fail to display
* REMOVED: Some standard icons were removed.
  If you used such icon (e.g. in Tree) it will be displayed as grey rectangle.
  Workaround: Choose a different icon
* BUG: The new application "Restart" functions may not work on Windows
* CHANGED: Custom Nimbus color will reset to it's default value
  Workaround: Set a custom color again and it will be saved correctly
* BUG: Some minor user interface things that are currently missing in this Beta version
  will be restored in the future versions.
* Wiki documentation is outdated
* Minor things will be corrected in final version 6.0
* Bigger things will be corrected in the next Beta version (6.1 Beta)

Other features should work as before.
If not, it may be a "regression" or other bug.
Please report any issues here

Modern Metal Look and Feel:

* Updated progress bar, table, and tabs User Interface
* Updated buttons, check box, and radio buttons UI
* Updated menu and tool bar UI
* + Various minor tweaks
Metal Look and Feel


* NEW: Table: Added "Adjust Column Width" function (right-click on table header)
* NEW: Added "Indent" (Tab) and "Unindent" (Shift+Tab) actions.
  It allows you to create a basic subtasks.
* NEW: Table: Added Properties action to the Edit menu
* NEW: Added basic Anniversary (e.g. Birthday date) support (see task properties)
* CHANGED: New colors in "Complete" column (Modern Metal LAF only)
* Show Task hashtags in the Tags menu
* Table: Show hashtags in "Filter" menu
* Table: Easy filtering by Priority:
Task Filter

* Improved tool tips
* FIXED: Replace invalid control characters before saving XML files
* Improved Tasks menu in system tray
* Improved duration display format and sorting
* Better plain text format
* CHANGED: Gray-out finished tasks; bold high priority tasks
* CHANGED: "Categories" column renamed to "Tags"
* Faster tasks loading on application startup
* Improve "Complete" and "Priority" fields in task properties window
* CHANGED: System Tray: Show the number of tasks by default (can be changed in "Tasks" settings)
* CHANGED: New default Date and Priority colors (can be customized in "Tasks" settings)
* Show settings button in tab tool bar
* Improved export to HTML:
  - Added "Save Font Size" and "Show Grid" options
  - Show Task hashtags
* Improved month calendar view


* NEW: Snap widgets to grid
* NEW: Added "Fit to Window" wallpaper option
* CHANGED: Title bar in Note widget now matches background color
* CHANGED: Internet Search widget color matches selected engine "brand" color:

* Added "Mint" color theme
* Todo Widget: A more compact UI by default
* REMOVED: Drop shadow border and rounded corners
* CHANGED: Auto hide workspace switcher if there is only one button with default "1" name
* Do not require application restart after border size change
* Windows: Fixed title font
* Show Settings button in the tool bar
* FIXED: Save Todo file only if modified
* Updated titlebar UI
* Clock widgets: Hide deprecated "SystemV" time zones
* Updated widget colors

Color Picker Dialog:

* NEW: Use arrow keys to move mouse cursor when picking a color from screen
* Fix "rgb(r,g,b)" format parsing in HTML tab
* NEW: Add Copy and Paste buttons
* Improved color preview

Color Picker Menu:

* NEW: Added "Paste" action to "Create Color" submenu
* REMOVED: Other color palettes (it's still in the color chooser dialog)

Color Pickers:

* NEW: Drag and drop support
* NEW: Added light colors column to the default color palette ("Oxygen")
* REMOVED: Redundant/old/rarely used color palettes
* + Various UI tweaks and improvements


* NEW: Tabs drag and drop (contributed by Fábián Krisztián, feature request #26)
* CHANGED: Move Zoom In/Out and Reset Zoom actions to "View|Zoom" submenu
* Improved "Copy" context menu


* CHANGED: Show "Snippets" pane by default

Image Editor/Viewer:

* REMOVED: "Filters and Effects" action (it may be available as a new plugin in the future)
* NEW: Basic TIFF image read/write support
* NEW: Show editor actions in Tools menu
* Improved tool icons and keyboard shortcuts
* REMOVED: Preloading of the next image
* Improve "Scale/Resize Image" dialog layout


* Fixed Ctrl+T/Ctrl+Shift+T keyboard shortcuts

RSS Feed Viewer:

* NEW: Added "Underline Link" option (disabled by default)
* Performance optimizations
* CHANGED: Show "Connect" question if working in Offline mode
* FIXED: Handle "301" error in RSS enclosure downloader
* NEW: Clickable/copyable RSS links in Properties|Information tab
* Better "Add RSS Feed" dialog window
* NEW: Add RSS Feed: Auto detect and paste youtube RSS URL
* Add "EFF" sample RSS
* FIXED: Handle image URLs without both schema and base (bug #28)
* FIXED: Parsing of some non-wellformed XMLs


* CHANGED: Search Bar: Disable text autocompletion due to confusing keyboard shortcuts
* CHANGED: Disable file drag & drop from Makagiga into an external application
  (due to Makagiga bug moved files are handled incorrectly)
* NEW: Now it is possible (again) to set tags directly in "New File" and "New Folder" dialogs
* NEW: Added "Mark New Items" option
* NEW: Added "Show File Extension" option
* CHANGED: Enable "Meta Info" option by default
* CHANGED: Underline hovered items (instead of blue text color)
* CHANGED: Move advanced Tree settings to the Tools|Settings|Advanced
* CHANGED: Randomize "" property (in .properties file) when exporting a file
  (for privacy reasons)
* REMOVED: File permissions settings (it was rarely used, too buggy, and not very well tested)
* CHANGED: Show tags under item name instead of alongside
* Clickable links in Properties|Information tab


* NEW/CHANGED: "Categories" and "Tags" were unified into one consistent "Tags" UI.
  - Old/current categories will be automatically imported as tags.
  - Everything what was previously called "Category" it's a "Tag" now.
* NEW/CHANGED: Redesigned Tags editor in Properties Bar/Properties Dialog
  - Tags field in Properties Bar (bottom of the tab) now requires
    explicit Enter key press to accept entered tags
  - Tag separator changed from Space to Comma (,)
Tags Editor

* REMOVED: Hashtags ("Current Tab" section) from the Tags menu
* REMOVED: "Import from Evolution" function


* + Various minor bugfixes, improvements and optimizations
* + Various UI tweaks, usability and accessibility improvements
* NEW: Hi-dpi support (fonts, UI, and icons):

* CHANGED: Show tool bar separator lines
* REMOVED: Text fields/editors: Ctrl+H (same as Backspace) and Ctrl+U (KDE only) shortcuts
* FIXED: Always use "text" (i-beam) cursor in text components
* Linux/OpenJDK: Use nicer/less blurry font by default (can be customized in Settings window).
  The new font is set only on first Makagiga startup with fresh profile.
* Upscale makagiga.png icon to 48x48
* Updated the Polish translation
* README.html ->
* Linux: Workaround for all gray dialog windows
* NEW: Drag and drop support in Link buttons
* NEW: Linux: Added menu shortcut installer:
* Date input fields: Improve cursor positioning on mouse click (do not select all text on focus gain)
* Directory content preview in file chooser
* Location Bar: now you can right click to display file/folder context menu
* Improve File Overwrite confirmation window
* Date/Time input: Show date/time format in tooltip
* Table: Select an item under mouse on right click if no selection
* Cleanup --version and --help options
* Improve window titlebar icons
* Update file chooser UI (bigger window, better tool bar buttons):
File Chooser

* REMOVED: Razor-qt support
* Show warning if running as "root" user
* XML: Do not read local/remote external entities during XML parse
* CHANGED: Increase drag (and drop) threshold to 10px to avoid accidental drag and drop
* Every text field/editor (except password field) has now a More|Print action in context menu
* Improve diagnostics and error messages for --portable/profile/user-files command line options
* Linux menu shortcut: Added "Run in Safe Mode" action
* Delete Private Data: Show data size alongside checkbox text
* Added "--force-security-manager" command-line option
* CHANGED: Sidebar: Small button icons by default (right click to set large icons)
* REMOVED: "Animations" option
* REMOVED: Checking for Java updates (in Update plugin)
* Look and Feel settings: Add "Custom Font..." button (shortcut)
  (this will be replaced by a new dedicated "Fonts" settings page in v6.1 Beta)
* Show warning when opening an external Jar/VBScript/*.scr/PowerShell (*.ps1)/*.js file
* REMOVED: Application version from HTTP User Agent (for privacy reasons)
* NEW: Added "Restart" buttons - a convenient way to restart application after plugin update or settings change
  (feature request #28)

System Tray:

* FIXED: Always show main window on system tray icon click (feature request #37)
* FIXED: Make sure the panel and popup menu does not overlap
* CHANGED: Do not use system tray icon if running in "safe mode"

About window:

* Show additional diagnostic info in System tab:
  "AES Maximum Key Length", "Module", "Program CPU Time", screen HiDPI scale, Wayland Display,
* NEW: Show info if OS is not fully supported


* Cleanup "Keyboard/Mouse Shortcuts" list
* Added Help|Topics|Command Line Options menu item
* REMOVED: Help|Command Line Options entry
* REMOVED: "Actions" section

Link plugin:

* REMOVED: Export to Mozilla Prism
* NEW: Support local file paths (e.g C:\foo\bar or /home)

Internet Search:

* REMOVED: "" Internet Search plugin
* OpenSearch: Fixed favicon images
* OpenSearch: Bugfixes


* Improved help
* debug command: Show all threads, Priority, Daemon and Lock Owner columns

Plugin SDK:

* Updated i18n tools and related documentation
* CHANGED: build.xml: "ant i18nnew" -> "ant i18n-new"
* NEW: Add "ant test-deps" (report deps and use of deprecated/internal APIs)
* NEW: Added icon-small.png template
* REMOVED: Support for plugins written in JavaScript
* CHANGED: Rename makagiga-commons-*.jar to makagiga-core-*.jar
* REMOVED: Support for "Library" plugin type
* REMOVED: "Boolean.default.enabled", "Boolean.systemClassPath" and "String.iconOverlay" plugin properties
* Improve keyboard shortcuts and "Project" menu
* Faster compilation and testing
* REMOVED: WebStart(tm) support


* CHANGED: Major API overhaul/rewrite/cleanup - see PORTING.txt
* REMOVED: "ant test-quick" (use "ant test" instead)
* Improved "ant help"
* REMOVED: Makefile wrapper (use ant instead)
* CHANGED: build.xml: Remove "prog_file_version" property
  (the new file version format includes extra dash: e.g. makagiga-5.99beta -> makagiga-5.99-beta)
* CHANGED: tools/ -> ant pmd (also runs cpd)
* NEW: Colorized unit test output (ant test)
* REMOVED: Built-in support for Debian/RPM package build
  (removes builddeb/buildrpm/installdeb/installrpm/release ant targets)
* Javadoc: Update CSS, include source code, generate HTML 5
* NEW: Added ./tools/ (JShell helper script)
* Updated Eclipse IDE and NetBeans IDE project files
* NEW: Added IntelliJ IDEA project files
* Update i18n tools and related documentation
* CHANGED: build.xml: "ant i18nnew" -> "ant i18n-new"
* Auto show warnings reported by POFileChecker (need gettext-lint package)
  when building language translations (ant i18n)
* Move various license/copyright info into one ./LICENSE.txt