
Release Notes / ChangeLog

See also: Previous releases

2018-07-18  5.8.4 (LTS)

Known Issues:

New and updated plugins are for Makagiga 6.x only.
You can download all/old plugins for Makagiga 5.x here
(unpack then install using Tools -> Plugins -> Install from File)

This update contains mostly a minor bug-fixes only.

* Plugins tab: Added "Download All/Old Plugins" button
  (a link to plugins archive compatible with Makagiga 5.x)
* Fixed: Feed Viewer: Handle image URLs without both "http:" scheme and base URL (bug #28)
* Fixed: "Get More Plugins" function
* Fixed: Auto checking for updates
* Fixed: Notepad: Also count words that start with a digit
* Fixed: Auto complete words that start with a digit
* Disable buggy Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down in text editors
* Update JRE to version 8u181


* build.xml: "ant installdeb" is not longer run automatically